Moisturizing Banana & Honey Face Mask

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bananas have been used for centuries in a variety of ways.  Banana leaves and pulp are commonly used in cooking and for eating.  Plantains are a type of banana that are starchier and harder and cooked.  The more common yellow banana's pulp is consumed raw and the skin is then thrown away, although the skin is edible.

Some alternate uses of bananas include the use of bananas in skin care.  They are a great source of potassium, Vitamin C, fiber which are great for your skin because they nourish your skin.

Try this quick and simple moisturizing banana and honey face mask to provide your skin with essential vitamins and minerals.


1 banana (ripe) (you don't have to use the whole thing.)
about 1 tsp of honey

Mash the banana and the honey together in a bowl.  Apply the mask onto your face and make sure you avoid your eye area.

Leave on for 15 minutes and then wipe off with a warm washcloth or warm water.

The banana and honey moisturize and firm your skin gently and leaves your skin feeling smoother, and moisturized.


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