If you have been doing research on homemade skin care then you may already be familiar with manuka honey. Manuka honey is produced in Australia and New Zealand. For honey to be considered manuka honey, it has to have a manuka pollen count of at least 70%. It is also important to know how the honey was processed and packaged as some processes may cause honey to lose it's beneficial properties.
Honey contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide, a proven antiseptic and the unique manuka antiseptic and antibacterial properties are quantified using the UMF which stands for "Unique Manuka Factor." You may have seen the UMF symbol on honey based skin care products. Not all manuka honey has a high enough UMF. That being said, remember, manuka honey with a UMF rating is not the same as Active honey.
Manuka honey with an "Active" number is not the same as manuka honey with a UMF rating. So, when you are looking for manuka honey for therapeutic purposes, such as skin care, make sure the bottle has a UMF rating. The higher the UMF rating the more antiseptic properties the manuka honey has.
Looking for Manuka Honey but not sure which one to buy?
This is the one I recommend and you can also buy it: Manuka Honey Active UMF 18+ Certified East Cape New Zealand.
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