So, what exactly is blemished skin?
Skin blemishes are commonly known as spots or discolorations on your skin. They are commonly formed by whiteheads/blackheads and acne on your face and are usually a result of improper care such as picking and scratching. Acne is caused by your pores getting clogged by your natural oils and then infected with bacteria which gets worse with these habits. Other causes are external such as pollution, which is why it is so important to wash your face at least twice a day: once when you get up in the morning and once before going to bed at night.
Use this homemade face mask to clear up your blemished skin and nourish it at the same time. You will get clearer skin with continued treatment and care!
1 tablespoon rolled oats
1 ripe tomato chopped
1 tsp lemon juice
Blend all the ingredients together to make a chunky paste. Adjust the amount of oats if the mixture isn't pasty enough to stay on your face.
Apply this to the blemished areas on your face (or all over) and let it stay for 10-15 minutes. Wipe off with warm water. Use a washcloth if you have one available to help exfoliate your skin. It's definitely easier to wipe off the rolled oats with a warm washcloth.
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