Get your skin glowing and ready for your fall and winter festivities with one of nature's more beneficial vegetables--the pumpkin. Pumpkins make an excellent exfoliating face mask for all skin types: oily, normal-oily, or dry skin. It soothes, moisturizes, and nourishes your skin. So, if you are looking for a way to reuse and recycle your carved pumpkins from Halloween, or the leftovers from making your famous pies, then look no further!
Exfoliating Pumpkin Scrub
Sunday, November 4, 2012
at home face mask,
brown sugar,
pumpkin scrub
Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub
Saturday, October 27, 2012
During the winter I struggled with the embarrassing problem of having dry hands. The dry winter weather has wreaked havoc on my skin in general, so I decided enough was enough. Since many of us are on a budget, I decided to use whatever I have in my pantry to make a simple, easy to use lemon sugar scrub for your skin. You should already have most, if not all, of these items in your kitchen pantry already. If not, these items can be found at your local grocery store for less than $20.
Coconut Oil Hair Treatment
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Coconut oil has been used for years in India and the Philippines as a hair treatment. Other oils such as olive and grapeseed oils are really good for your hair especially for deep conditioning purposes. However, if you are looking for a hair oil treatment that you don't need to wash out, then coconut oil is the one you are looking for.
Sexy Wavy Beach Hair: Sea Salt Spray
Monday, August 27, 2012
If you're looking the natural beach wave look for your hair that's all the rage you've come to the right place. Sexy wavy beach hair that looks effortless and sea blown is a timeless look and one that can also save you a lot of time if you're in a rush.
beach hair,
sea salt spray
Apple Cider Vinegar And Cornmeal Face Scrub
Thursday, August 16, 2012
So, why is apple cider vinegar good for you?
After all, it is a vinegar and that’s supposed to be bad and burn your face, right?
Apple cider vinegar—and any vinegar in general—has a tonic effect on your skin. Your skin has a natural pH balance anywhere from 5 to 7. Cleansers and other variables cause the natural pH balance to be thrown off. Toners solve this problem and apple cider vinegar helps re-balance your skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne
Friday, July 13, 2012
Each one of these acne solutions, creams, washes, and or sets claims to combat your acne within a certain time frame and promise drastic results. While these creams and washes may work great for a lot of people, there are a lot of people who cannot buy these acne products because they are either too expensive, or they they just don't work with your skin.
acne scars,
apple cider vinegar,
home remedies
Tomato Yogurt Fresher Skin Formula
Shed your dead skin cells! Our skin has a layer of dead cells that are bound together by a "glue." Exfoliation is the key in maintaining a fresh and clean complexion and shedding your dead skin cells.
Simple Turmeric and Milk Face Mask
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Turmeric is probably not the first thing you think of when you hear the words "face mask." I just used this face mask myself. I had a few minutes to relax and decided to whip up a turmeric and milk concoction and was very pleasantly surprised. I had been reading about the healing powers of turmeric for some time now and the results are very encouraging for the people like you and me! Read more about the healing powers of turmeric here.
Healing Veggie Mask
Thursday, May 31, 2012
These days there are plenty of skin products that are available to help your skin, but they all contain chemicals which are not natural and could potentially harm your skin in the long run. Making your own homemade remedies also helps you save a ton of money!
at home face mask,
healing mask,
Virgin Pina Colada Face Mask
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
To start, coconut milk is high in fat. The dirt and oils in your pores are mainly fat soluble so this makes coconut milk a great natural cleanser.
At Home Sunless Tanning
Saturday, May 19, 2012
With summer fast approaching, an important issue comes up for some of us: to tan or not to tan? Limited exposure to the sun is always encouraged because in the long run, constant exposure to the UV rays from the sun cause fine lines and wrinkles to appear sooner and start to run deeper.
at home tanner,
brown glow,
home remedies,
safe tan,
self tanner,
skin tan,
summer glow,
Sugar Almond Oil Body Scrub
Friday, May 11, 2012
Summer season means bikini season! Just like you wouldn't wear old clothes to a new school year, you shouldn't wear your winter-dry skin to the beach! Exfoliating your skin will give your body a fresh and more polished look and feel.
almond oil,
body scrub,
grapeseed oil,
home remedies,
Mother's Day,
Simple Honey & Rolled Oats Face Mask
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
This is one of my favorite homemade facials to make because I always have some rolled oats (uncooked) that have already been through the processor in a jar ready to be mixed with the next ingredient.
acacia honey,
home remedies,
homemade facial,
manuka honey,
rolled oats
Top 5 Mother's Day Head 2 Toe Homemade Spa Recipes
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
This is a great way to pamper your hard-working, caring, and loving mother on Mother's Day! These are the top 5 head to toe treatments that will leave your mother feeling nourished, relaxed, and all over special. Make the day even more special by spending some time with your mother and do these homemade treatments together! That will definitely put a smile on her face. Remember, since these are homemade, the recipes should cost you little to nothing so it's a great Mother's Day gift idea if you're strapped for cash.
Honey & Almond Oil Homemade Face Mask
Moisturizing your face is essential for preventing wrinkles and fine lines from appearing later on. You should start taking care of your skin at a young age. Of course, the last thing you want to do is risk putting harsh chemicals on your skin so you can start with this homemade remedy.
almond oil,
face mask,
home remedies,
homemade facial,
Life's A Peach: Revitalizing Face Mask
Friday, April 27, 2012
Peaches are really good for your skin which is why they are used in many cosmetic and skin treatments. They contain Vitamin C and Vitamin E which are imperative in the creation of collagen in your skin. Applying peaches topically helps your skin tremendously because peaches help unclog pores, smooth fine lines, and revitalize your face.
Moisturizing Honey & Egg Face Mask
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tip of the Day! Use Club Soda for Smoother Hair
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Club soda can not only be used as a refreshing drink, but dumping some of this stuff onto your hair is beneficial too! It rids your hair of dirt and any left over residue leaving your hair cleaner and brighter looking. So, if you're suffering from frizzy hair, this could be the solution for your stubborn locks.
beauty nutrition,
club soda,
hair conditioner,
home remedies
Chocolate Face Mask
Saturday, April 21, 2012
The first thought that came to mind when I heard about the chocolate face mask had everything to do with images of acne popping up all over my face. I mean, we have been thoroughly led to believe that chocolate (oh, that delicious stuff of my dreams) equates acne. Some of us experienced chocoholics have even been through, what we believe, was a chocolate induced acne attack on our faces.
Turmeric Could Help Prevent Heart Attack
Friday, April 20, 2012
A new study suggests that turmeric could help prevent heart attacks after surgery. Curcumins, which give turmeric the yellow pigment it is known for, could help ease surgical risks when used in conjunction with traditional treatment. (You can read more about turmeric's healing properties I wrote about by clicking here.)
During bypass surgery, the heart muscles and surrounding muscles weaken due to a lack of blood flow which then can lead to the patient having a heart attack. The use of curcumins for cancer therapy is already being tested.
During bypass surgery, the heart muscles and surrounding muscles weaken due to a lack of blood flow which then can lead to the patient having a heart attack. The use of curcumins for cancer therapy is already being tested.
Olive Oil and Yogurt Hair Conditioner
Thursday, April 19, 2012
If your hair is in need of a deep conditioning treatment consider this homemade hair mask before making an appointment for a salon or altogether just giving up on your hair. There is hope! Hair needs just as much nourishing as the rest of our body. We tend to pay more attention to our faces and our body than we do our hair, and because of that reason, many of us are left with what used to be shiny hair, but is now just a mess.
Tomatoes & Rolled Oats for Brighter Skin
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Tip of the Day: Milk Makeup Remover
Monday, April 16, 2012
When I first heard that milk could remove makeup, I was a bit hesitant to believe it because there is a billion dollar industry out there that caters to this very kind of thing. Could it be that the inexpensive, natural, and non-chemical makeup remover is right there in my fridge? Yes. It's true! The milk actually removed my makeup.
Red Grapes & Flour Facial Mask for Energized Skin
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Grapes contain antioxidants such as flavonoid, resveratrol, and tannin. (Tannin is what gives wines the "dry" feeling when you drink it). These antioxidants are great for your skin and are also good skin whiteners.
Tip of the Day! Use Potatoes to Remove Dark Under Eye Circles
Many of us suffer from dark under eye circles. Our eyes are one of the first features most people notice. If you're like me and have chronic dark under eye circles, then you are used to either dealing with the way they look and going all natural or you have gotten really good at covering them up with salmon colored eye concealer.
While there is no actual cure for dark under eye circles, people have tried to reduce the appearance of them by going as far as using surgical methods. Unfortunately, these methods most often have a less success to failure ratio.
The homemade answer to your problem might actually be in your pantry. Potatoes have been known to cure dark under eye circles for centuries. Potatoes contain a chemical called catecholase which is a powerful skin lightening substance. Catecholase is found in many skin lightening products on the market today.
While there is no actual cure for dark under eye circles, people have tried to reduce the appearance of them by going as far as using surgical methods. Unfortunately, these methods most often have a less success to failure ratio.
The homemade answer to your problem might actually be in your pantry. Potatoes have been known to cure dark under eye circles for centuries. Potatoes contain a chemical called catecholase which is a powerful skin lightening substance. Catecholase is found in many skin lightening products on the market today.
Foot Softening Milk Spa Soak
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Oftentimes, we forget about a couple of our most important body parts--our feet! It's easy to overlook our poor, tired achy feet while we obsess over our faces and hair. While, it's great to make sure our faces and hair looks great, we should also make sure our feet are getting the tender loving care they deserve. After all, the last thing we want is cracked, dry, and hard feet when we get older!
This is a simple milk, water, and sugar foot spa recipe that you can quickly throw together in a couple of minutes with items you are almost guaranteed to have in your fridge and pantry.
This is a simple milk, water, and sugar foot spa recipe that you can quickly throw together in a couple of minutes with items you are almost guaranteed to have in your fridge and pantry.
beauty nutrition,
foot soak,
home remedies,
milk soak,
skin care skin treatment,
Apple & Honey Face Mask for Clear Skin
Thursday, April 12, 2012
If you are suffering from tired looking, fatigue and stressed out skin then this apple & honey face mask is the one for you! Give yourself a facial (and mental) uplift by applying this nourishing and protecting apple and honey face mask.
The apple contains vitamins A, B, and C and which your skin will absorb, contains antioxidant properties, and helps relieve damage from the sun. In fact, apples have been used in many skincare remedies for sunburns due to these properties.
Apples also contain glycolic acide which helps exfoliate and clear your pores.
Honey is antibacterial and has antioxidant and hygroscopic properties. All that means is that honey will help get rid of topical bacteria and help retain moisture. And, antioxidants are substances that help protect your skin from free radicals in the environment (chemicals in the air, etc.)
Tip of the Day! Tomatoes for Reduced Pores, Acne
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Did you know that tomatoes are an astringent? Which means, if you apply tomatoes on your face, your pores should start to look noticeably smaller after a few uses. It's tough to find the right product for your face from stores, and before trying all those chemicals, give the natural ones in your home a try first. You will save yourself a ton of money experimenting on finding the right product.
Delicious Vanilla Brown Sugar Scrub
Get your winter dry skin to spring time perfection with this exfoliating Vanilla Brown Sugar scrub. The sugars in this scrub as as exfoliating granules that scrub off your dry skin.
How to Lighten Hair Naturally (without nasty chemicals!)
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Summer is right around the corner and thus starts the trend towards lighter sun kissed hair. However, bleaching is not an option because the chemicals from the bleach can damage your hair. The bleach strips the keratin from your hair, which can leave your hair brittle, dry, and lifeless over time. Definitely not a look any of us are going for!
So, what do you do?
Use lemon juice to naturally lighten your hair! Lemon juice naturally lightens your hair because it is contains a natural bleaching agent--but not one as harsh as the bleaches that are on the market today. For example, lemon juice is safe enough to use on your skin.
So, what do you do?
Use lemon juice to naturally lighten your hair! Lemon juice naturally lightens your hair because it is contains a natural bleaching agent--but not one as harsh as the bleaches that are on the market today. For example, lemon juice is safe enough to use on your skin.
Honey & Cinnamon Mask for Acne
Friday, April 6, 2012
Acne can be caused by bacteria that lives on your skin. It clogs your sebaceous glands which are glands that produce sebum which is an oil that is necessary for the lubrication and pH level of your skin.
Honey is a natural antibacterial, and when applied topically can help cure acne. Cinnamon has microbial properties that can help stop the growth of bacteria and fungi. Please make sure you're not allergic to any of these ingredients before trying them.
Honey is a natural antibacterial, and when applied topically can help cure acne. Cinnamon has microbial properties that can help stop the growth of bacteria and fungi. Please make sure you're not allergic to any of these ingredients before trying them.
How to Make Sugar Wax (the non-wax strips kind)
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Hair removal can be a very expensive part of our body care routine, but it is something that all us ladies (well, most) take part in regularly. Unfortunately, it can cost us a pretty penny if we haul ourselves out of the comfort of our homes and drive to an expensive, overly lit, salon.
Quick & Simple Honey Lemon Tightening Face Mask
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Let's face it. With the emphasis placed on looks these days, and our faces being one of the first things people notice about us, we want to make sure that our skins look tight and smooth so that we can make that great impression!
This is a quick and simple honey and lemon face tightening mask. The honey is an antiseptic. It's healing properties help soothe, hydrate and nourish your skin. The lemon is a natural astringent that helps clean out your pores and then acts as a toner to close them.
Lemon is a natural cleanser, thus acting as a spot cleaner as well. Remember, lemon juice does bleach so your face will lighten with continued use.
This is a quick and simple honey and lemon face tightening mask. The honey is an antiseptic. It's healing properties help soothe, hydrate and nourish your skin. The lemon is a natural astringent that helps clean out your pores and then acts as a toner to close them.
Lemon is a natural cleanser, thus acting as a spot cleaner as well. Remember, lemon juice does bleach so your face will lighten with continued use.
Egg Yolk Treatment for Stronger, Shinier Hair
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Eggs are found as a staple food in many kitchens. They provide you with a great source of protein when taken internally. Egg yolks are high in protein which makes it a great hair mask. Protein helps prevent hair loss and helps to strengthen your hair.
Also, treating your hair with egg yolks leads to softer, more manageable, and shinier hair. If you have a problem with hair breakage, then you should use an egg yolk treatment, as the protein in the egg yolks helps prevent hair from breaking. The sulfur in the the egg yolks also help treat dandruff.
Depending on the size of your hair
1-4 egg yolks
Whip the egg yolks together and apply to dry hair. It feels slimy on your fingers but it's worth putting on! Make sure all the hair strands in your hair are covered.
Leave the egg yolks in your hair for about 20-30 minutes and then rinse out thoroughly with lukewarm to cool water. If you use hot water, you run the risk of cooking the yolk on your head. Shampoo and condition normally.
You should do this once a month to help rejuvenate dry hair!
Happy Treating!
Also, treating your hair with egg yolks leads to softer, more manageable, and shinier hair. If you have a problem with hair breakage, then you should use an egg yolk treatment, as the protein in the egg yolks helps prevent hair from breaking. The sulfur in the the egg yolks also help treat dandruff.
Depending on the size of your hair
1-4 egg yolks
Whip the egg yolks together and apply to dry hair. It feels slimy on your fingers but it's worth putting on! Make sure all the hair strands in your hair are covered.
Leave the egg yolks in your hair for about 20-30 minutes and then rinse out thoroughly with lukewarm to cool water. If you use hot water, you run the risk of cooking the yolk on your head. Shampoo and condition normally.
You should do this once a month to help rejuvenate dry hair!
Happy Treating!
Coconut Oil & Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne
Monday, April 2, 2012
Our skin's pores contain oil glands called sebaceous glands. These produce an oil called sebum which lubricates and protects our skin from bacteria and also helps regulate the skin's pH level (acidity). Sebum contains these medium-chain fatty acids in the form of triglycerides. Coconut oil is nature's best source of these medium-chain fatty acids thus helping our skin with its own processes.
The presence of bacteria on our skins turn the triglycerides into microbial fatty acids on thus protecting the skin from infection making it great for the prevention and curing of acne.
Combine the healing properties of coconut oil with the exfoliating properties of oatmeal and you are left with a face mask that will rid your face of dead skin cells (exfoliate) and and help cure your acne for good!
The presence of bacteria on our skins turn the triglycerides into microbial fatty acids on thus protecting the skin from infection making it great for the prevention and curing of acne.
Combine the healing properties of coconut oil with the exfoliating properties of oatmeal and you are left with a face mask that will rid your face of dead skin cells (exfoliate) and and help cure your acne for good!
Carrot Face Mask for Oily Skin
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Not only are carrots good for your eyes, they are also great for your skin! Carrots are high in Vitamin A and beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a product that comes from plants that the body eventually converts into Vitamin A. Beta-carotenes are also high in anti-oxidants and acts as an immune booster when taken internally. When applied topically these vitamins and minerals help to fight against sun damage which is the number one cause of wrinkles.
Simple & Quick Remedy for Under Eye Puffiness
Friday, March 30, 2012
Taking care of the appearance of your eyes is essential in looking fresh and awake. Under eye puffiness, can make you look tired, exhausted, and older than you years. Although this homemade remedy isn't a permanent fix, it is a quick and simple temporary fix.
Coconut Oil & Avocado Face Mask
Thursday, March 29, 2012
![]() |
Virgin Coconut Oil at 76 degrees and below is solid and white in color |
Coconut oil is an oil with many healing properties. It is rich in Vitamins A and K. It is a great moisturizer as well because it helps your skin retain moisture. As with any mask make sure that you are not allergic to coconut oil if you haven't used it on your face before. Warm some up so it's in liquid form and test a little on a small portion of your face to make sure you aren't allergic.
Healing Beer Bath
Beer is not just for drinking! This tasty liquid is also great for your skin and hair. The miracle ingredient in beer is hops. Use this healing beer bath to draw out your impurities, clean out your pores, and help you relax.
Hops helps to exfoliate the skin by getting rid of the dead cells in the upper layer. The yeast in the beer contains B vitamins which help purify and renew your skin while keeping moisture in. Also, beer yeast helps aid in getting rid of acne causing bacteria while helping with the elasticity of your skin. The warm water of this healing bath motivates your pores to open and stimulates your circulatory system.
2 cups of beer (any kind will do)
1 warm bath
Draw a warm bath and add the 2 cups of beer. Relax in your bath. :)
Beer spas have become a trend in Europe. Hopefully it catches on soon here in the US!
Hops helps to exfoliate the skin by getting rid of the dead cells in the upper layer. The yeast in the beer contains B vitamins which help purify and renew your skin while keeping moisture in. Also, beer yeast helps aid in getting rid of acne causing bacteria while helping with the elasticity of your skin. The warm water of this healing bath motivates your pores to open and stimulates your circulatory system.
2 cups of beer (any kind will do)
1 warm bath
Draw a warm bath and add the 2 cups of beer. Relax in your bath. :)
Beer spas have become a trend in Europe. Hopefully it catches on soon here in the US!
Strawberries & Cream Face Mask
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Not only are strawberries delicious, they are really good for your skin! These bright red, berries are full of juicy goodness. Strawberries are especially rich in Vitamin C and ellagic acid. Ellagic acid is an antioxidant that when used topically can help protect your skin from damaging UV rays from the sun. UV rays are one of the main causes of aging! They cause premature wrinkles which makes your skin age before it should.
Moisturizing Avocado Face Mask
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Avocados are a great food and source of Vitamins C, E, and D. They are also a good source of potassium as well as the minerals, copper and iron. These properties make avocado masks great for people with dry, sun-exposed skin. It's also a great mask for those of you that have developed red skin due to dryness!
Tip of the Day! Cucumber for Wrinkles
Tip of the Day! Use Manuka Honey in Your Skincare Routine
Monday, March 26, 2012
If you have been doing research on homemade skin care then you may already be familiar with manuka honey. Manuka honey is produced in Australia and New Zealand. For honey to be considered manuka honey, it has to have a manuka pollen count of at least 70%. It is also important to know how the honey was processed and packaged as some processes may cause honey to lose it's beneficial properties.
Face Mask for Blemished Skin
Sunday, March 25, 2012
There are many products out there that claim to cure and treat blemish skin--and some do--while others fail to deliver their claimed results.

So, what exactly is blemished skin?
Skin blemishes are commonly known as spots or discolorations on your skin. They are commonly formed by whiteheads/blackheads and acne on your face and are usually a result of improper care such as picking and scratching. Acne is caused by your pores getting clogged by your natural oils and then infected with bacteria which gets worse with these habits. Other causes are external such as pollution, which is why it is so important to wash your face at least twice a day: once when you get up in the morning and once before going to bed at night.

So, what exactly is blemished skin?
Skin blemishes are commonly known as spots or discolorations on your skin. They are commonly formed by whiteheads/blackheads and acne on your face and are usually a result of improper care such as picking and scratching. Acne is caused by your pores getting clogged by your natural oils and then infected with bacteria which gets worse with these habits. Other causes are external such as pollution, which is why it is so important to wash your face at least twice a day: once when you get up in the morning and once before going to bed at night.
Tip of the Day! Lemon Juice as a Toner

Best Way To Get Rid Of Acne
You could possibly inquire how often the best way to get rid of acne scars; in fact you must know that there are several, many ways to help remedy acne scars. Normally, to remove acne scar removal forces you to much more annoying to accomplish than quit zits. Since need lots of energy for do it, particularly when scarring may be significant. Span of pimples breakout has a small amount of time. However, if you aren't performing a thing in these kind of scarring might it would certainly serve you for a life time. It takes time for you to know the best way to reduce acne scarring, consequently you are able to take away the surgical mark that frequently allows you to feel embarrassed inside your dating life.
You should know, that there are a number of approaches you can look at regarding do in getting reduce undesirable scar tissue. There's a very best opportinity for find the method that is certainly fine-tuned towards the seriousness of your scar problems you might have. By way of example, if a large keloid, it's better to consult with your doctor with regards to healthcare authorities that should be regarded. Nonetheless, if a little scar that you just feel can usually be treated on your own then your best method is always to choose all-natural techniques to that.
You should know, that there are a number of approaches you can look at regarding do in getting reduce undesirable scar tissue. There's a very best opportinity for find the method that is certainly fine-tuned towards the seriousness of your scar problems you might have. By way of example, if a large keloid, it's better to consult with your doctor with regards to healthcare authorities that should be regarded. Nonetheless, if a little scar that you just feel can usually be treated on your own then your best method is always to choose all-natural techniques to that.
Peach Face Tightening Mask
Saturday, March 24, 2012
I feel peaches generally get ignored as an "everyday" fruit--unlike bananas, apples, and oranges--which is unfortunate because they have been around for centuries and have plenty of beneficial properties!
In lieu of this, I'm going to give you a short summary on peaches--don't worry, it's not long (or boring):
Peach aka "Persian Apple" was first introduced to Europe after Alexander the Great conquered Persia, but was originally cultivated in China. And, apparently, it was one of the most favored fruits of kings and emperors. That's it! :)
You're probably wondering what makes peaches good for your skin?
Peaches are equipped with Vitamin C and Vitamin E which are essential in the creation of collagen in your skin. They are excellent for your skin whether they are consumed orally or placed on top of your skin directly.
In lieu of this, I'm going to give you a short summary on peaches--don't worry, it's not long (or boring):
Peach aka "Persian Apple" was first introduced to Europe after Alexander the Great conquered Persia, but was originally cultivated in China. And, apparently, it was one of the most favored fruits of kings and emperors. That's it! :)
You're probably wondering what makes peaches good for your skin?
Peaches are equipped with Vitamin C and Vitamin E which are essential in the creation of collagen in your skin. They are excellent for your skin whether they are consumed orally or placed on top of your skin directly.
Tip of the Day! Makeup Remover
Friday, March 23, 2012
Recently, I ran out of my makeup remover. I would probably not be considered a survivalist by any means because I only buy things when I absolutely run out of them!
So, what's a girl supposed to do?
Well, I committed the number 1 make up no-no. I went to bed with my makeup on. Most of it smudged off by the time I woke up, leaving me looking like a raccoon. My skin felt like it had a layer of dirt on it and like it didn't get a chance to "breathe" at all during the night. It felt horrible! (and, to be honest, didn't look so great either!)
Well, I committed the number 1 make up no-no. I went to bed with my makeup on. Most of it smudged off by the time I woke up, leaving me looking like a raccoon. My skin felt like it had a layer of dirt on it and like it didn't get a chance to "breathe" at all during the night. It felt horrible! (and, to be honest, didn't look so great either!)
If you find yourself like me and out of makeup remover, you don't have to commit the makeup sin! Just go to your kitchen pantry and look for grapeseed oil. Yes. I said oil.
Moisturizing Banana & Honey Face Mask
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Bananas have been used for centuries in a variety of ways. Banana leaves and pulp are commonly used in cooking and for eating. Plantains are a type of banana that are starchier and harder and cooked. The more common yellow banana's pulp is consumed raw and the skin is then thrown away, although the skin is edible.
Some alternate uses of bananas include the use of bananas in skin care. They are a great source of potassium, Vitamin C, fiber which are great for your skin because they nourish your skin.
Try this quick and simple moisturizing banana and honey face mask to provide your skin with essential vitamins and minerals.
1 banana (ripe) (you don't have to use the whole thing.)
about 1 tsp of honey
Mash the banana and the honey together in a bowl. Apply the mask onto your face and make sure you avoid your eye area.
Some alternate uses of bananas include the use of bananas in skin care. They are a great source of potassium, Vitamin C, fiber which are great for your skin because they nourish your skin.
Try this quick and simple moisturizing banana and honey face mask to provide your skin with essential vitamins and minerals.
1 banana (ripe) (you don't have to use the whole thing.)
about 1 tsp of honey
Mash the banana and the honey together in a bowl. Apply the mask onto your face and make sure you avoid your eye area.
Tip of the Day! Teabags for Dark Under Eye Circles
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Dark under eye circles and puffiness are a common problem these days. The causes may be age and hereditary. However, lifestyle factors can have a huge affect on the circles and puffiness under our eyes. Constantly cheating yourself of sleep, not working out, and eating unhealthy salty snacks are some of the many causes of puffiness and under eye circles.
Remember to drink lots of water: about 8-10 glasses a day. Keeping your body hydrated is one of the easiest ways to avoid water retention and puffiness.
You can use any type of tea bag (black, green etc.) but chamomile are best for puffiness.
Remember to drink lots of water: about 8-10 glasses a day. Keeping your body hydrated is one of the easiest ways to avoid water retention and puffiness.
You can use any type of tea bag (black, green etc.) but chamomile are best for puffiness.
Funny Photoshop Parody
Monday, March 19, 2012
Here's some humor to brighten up your day :)
I saw this funny Photoshop parody video on a friend's facebook site and couldn't help sharing this. I agree with the thoughts behind the video shoot:
The person behind this shoot was watching infomercials one night and a commercial came on for some sort of a miracle cream came on where they compare two photographs side by side to show consumers the before and after affects of this miracle cream.
I saw this funny Photoshop parody video on a friend's facebook site and couldn't help sharing this. I agree with the thoughts behind the video shoot:
The person behind this shoot was watching infomercials one night and a commercial came on for some sort of a miracle cream came on where they compare two photographs side by side to show consumers the before and after affects of this miracle cream.
How to Treat a Cut / Wound with Turmeric Powder
Sunday, March 18, 2012
We've all been there. That moment we cut our finger on some sharp object or another in our homes and then wonder where all the band aids have gone. The last thing you want to do is run out of your house clinging your finger to your chest as your drive to the closest Ralphs pharmacy to buy a first aid kit. The best case scenario, of course, would be to have some band aids in your home in case of an emergency like this. However, if you don't have those available, you might just have what you need in your spice cabinet!
Quick Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne

A lot of people have been turning to homemade acne treatments lately. It may be because the price of other cures are steep and the economy isn't doing so great right now, or it could be because of the recent shift towards adapting to a more "green" lifestyle.
Whatever the reason may be, it is a problem that has an easy quick to make, homemade solution. Oatmeal masks are an easy, inexpensive way acne treatment/homemade solution.
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